La Mesa


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Mesa de los Santos is the favorite place for people from Bucaramanga to rest during the weekends. Many families have their own piece of land and a country house in this area.

It has  cool weather only 40 minutes away from the city. Warm during the day, at night the temperature can go down to 12C, so carrying a sweater is always recommended. Other towns near by are San Gil and Barichara, 90 minutes away.

It is an ideal place to practice parasailing, cycling, hiking, rappelling, or just to enjoy and relax with friends and/or family.

Among the attractions you can visit there is: the Chicamocha canyon observatories, the trails made by the German Georg von Lengerke, the “duende” waterfall (el Salto del Duende), “mi Colombia Querida” a typical town replication, and los Santos town.

In the area of ​​the Mesa de los Santos high quality Organic coffee is grown , that is internationally recognized.


The “duende” waterfall (el Salto del Duende).  As there had been a lot of rain the previous night instead of one falls there were two.


These cliff are also used for repelling.


A simple 4 strand barbed wire fence and some old posts are the only fall protection and not a good one at that. The ground slopes to the edge and the rain the night before made the clay slippery.


This dam holds back the water and also serves as the road. Today the water was spilling over the dam and onto the road. This is the source of the falls to the right in the previous image


There are many farms up on the mesa and this was a good looking herd of Holstein cows. The only ones I have seen so far on my trip.


“Mi Colombia Querida” a typical town replication was open on Sunday and very busy.


Again stall after stall selling meats…none refrigerated.


Smoke from the grill comes out of this adobe oven.


A typical Horno, native adobe oven.


This young man had a speech memorized trying to pitch the Macadamia nuts and oils that his family was selling.


From the market we went to the weekend home of the family of Sergio’s friend Cesar, which is in an upscale gated neighbourhood. Their weekend home is in behind the big house on the left.


There was a visitor in the flower beds and Cesar’s mother was completely freaked out by it. It looks like a smooth sided toad.


Cesar’s family, from left to right, his mother, his father, his sister, her husband, Cesar and the gringo! It was a pleasure to spend time with a very typical upper middle class Colombian family. Their hospitality was much appreciated! As it got later in the day the temperatures started to drop and everyone was putting on extra clothing.


On the way back to Bucaramanga we stopped off at the newest and largest mall in Bucaramanga. This was Sunday evening and the mall was very busy.

A special thank you to Sergio’s friend Cesar, for driving us around the countryside and giving me the opportunity to meet his family.

All images used on this page are the property of and Copyright © 2012-2013 Wayne Parks, and as such, may not be used in any way without the express written consent of Wayne Parks.

4 thoughts on “La Mesa

  1. Wayne, I can see what you mean about the safety fence!! but what spectacular scenery. That would be a very long rappel drop…how many metres, do you know? Everything looks so lush and green and the cows very contented. It’s hard to imagine that the temps can drop so low, but I guess you are at quite a high altitude. You are very lucky to have Sergio as your friend and guide! Happy travelling :-))

    • Hi Rennie,
      The fence leaves a whole lot to be desired but this is not a common tourist area but it is popular with the residents of Bucaramnga on weekends. The drop is approx. 155 meters about 150 more than needed to be fatal…..(lol)… and it is almost vertical on both sides so not a lot of vegetation to grab on to as you are hurtling through the air. I think that the images would have been much more spectacular had it not been a cloudy overcast day with a lot of mist over the Mesa.
      The altitude is just over 1550 meters.
      hope all is well at Aratinga Inn (cheap advertising) and thanks for your continued support,

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